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How to connect with God? How to communicate with him? How to receive the message of God?

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How to connect with God? How to communicate with him? How to receive the
message of God? How to experience the purpose of God? What kind of service
can we do for God? And what kind of experience can we receive from God? To
connect and communicate with God, there are many channels: surrender,
goodness, humanity, trust, honesty, truthfulness, etc. That is why whoever
surrenders to God unconditionally can be connected with the unknown source
of life and the enlightened source of the soul. Whoever surrenders will come to
the door of God and will be connected to the havens of God. Without
surrendering, it is impossible to connect with the unknowable things and realize
the havens of the other world. Surrendering opens the door to knowing the truth
of life and experiencing godliness. By surrendering, you are communicating
with your originality, you are communicating with your uniqueness, and you are
communicating with the heart of the soul.

You can declare for yourself that you have trust in God when your heart is
ready, your mind is ready, your body is ready, and you are ready to accept God,
respect God, and keep hope in God. When you surrender to God, you say, “Oh
God! You are welcome into my life, you are welcome into my heart, you are
welcome into my soul, please guide me, please protect me, please make me
happy always, please help me to understand life properly, please guide me to
realize the truth of life, please help me to know the right knowledge, please help
me to experience the reality of the life, let me reach my goal of life, let me fulfil
all the duties of life, and let me achieve the perfection of life.”

The root chakra belongs to the mother.
The root chakra belongs to the mother. The root chakra belongs to the mother.
A mother represents trust and surrenders to the source of life. No mother allows
any person to create a life with her without surrendering; no mother accepts
anybody to travel with her without trust. A mother surrenders to life totally. She
surrenders a hundred percent to a person by trusting him and keeping hope in
him that he will take care of her, do justice to her life, and protect her life.
A lady accepts a person to create a life and invites a new soul into their journey
only when she trusts him a hundred percent that he is just for her, does he stands for
her, he cares for her, he protects her, he guides her, he is the right partner, their
the relationship is perfect, their trust is perfect, their love is perfect, and their life is

We are born out of the love of the mother
We are born out of the love of the mother; we are born out of the blessings of
the father; we are born out of the grace of nature; we are born out of the trust of
the relationships. Our parents have already created a ground, an atmosphere,
and a situation to happen with this birth and to experience in this life. So, each
moment is really lovable, acceptable, and respectable. All this has happened
because of surrender and gratitude.
A husband should be grateful towards his wife; the wife should be trustworthy
to her husband. When they both join together with love and hope, there will
definitely be a good life. A child who is born out of love and trust becomes a
celebration of this existence and gives new hope to this world. The new child
definitely brings some change in this world, teaches something new to this
world, adds some newness to the world, and contributes to the evolution of
human consciousness in the world.

The root chakra always stands for the energy of the soul and the expression of
the spirit. Sometimes you have a good spirit, sometimes you have a bad spirit,
and sometimes you have the holy spirit. Whenever you want to surrender to
God and try to communicate with him, you do prayer or worship or meditation,
or service.

Whoever meditates will realize the divinity of God
Some people believe that a woman is born for service and her duty is to serve
God and get enlightenment. Some people trust that mediation is the duty of
human life and that whoever meditates will realize the divinity of God, fulfill all
the responsibilities in human life, and attain enlightenment. So, meditation is
one kind of process to attain enlightenment; prayer is another kind of process to
attain enlightenment; service is another kind of process to attain enlightenment.
Prayer means communicating with the unknown
source of life.
Meditation means understanding the truth of life. A method to know the truth of
life is called prayer. Prayer means understanding the method of life, the method
of time, the method of nature, the method of the body, the method of the mind,
and the method of the science of the soul. Prayer means communicating with
the unknown source of life. Karma means action. An action with time is called
karma. An action with the soul is called yoga. Karma creates memories of the
life and history of the world. Yoga creates knowledge of God and consciousness
of the soul. Whoever connects with the body will come to know that which is
non-eternal; whoever connects with the soul will come to know that which is
eternal. Karma teaches non-eternal life; yoga teaches eternal life.

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